14-814: Wireless Security

14-814: Wireless Security

Course Description:
With the surge of mobile device use, embedded system deployment, and development of always-connected devices, the underlying wireless communication and network systems are becoming more critical for everyday use. Even though security and privacy have emerged as important focus areas for modern technology, the wireless links that connect our pervasive devices are still less understood from the perspectives of security and privacy than other system aspects. This course will focus on the challenges in providing secure communication and network services in a variety of wireless systems and current and past approaches to manage these challenges. Topic coverage will include vulnerabilities, attacks, security mechanisms, and trade-offs at various layers of the network protocol stack, from aspects of physical communication to application and service security issues; examples include jamming, MAC-layer misbehavior, selective packet dropping, decentralized trust and reputation, and cross-layer holistic attacks. Systems of interest include (but are not limited to) personal devices, connected vehicles, embedded and IoT systems, wireless infrastructure, and ad hoc networks. Class material will be largely based on recent and current research. In addition to individual homework assignments, students will participate in an intensive group project involving significant research, development, and experimentation. Graduate standing is required to register for this course.

Evaluation & Grading:
Students will be individually evaluated on all course deliverables. Contributions to the final grade will be 30% for individual assignments; 25% for group presentations; 25% for written reports; and 20% for the exam.

Graduate standing and (18330 or 15330 or 14741 or 18631 or 18730) and (14740 or 14760 or 18441 or 18741 or 15641 or 18756). Contact the instructor directly with questions about requirements.

Assignments: A few wireless simulation tasks are completed individually by each student.
Project: Teams of students will work on a collaborative project for the duration of the semester. Students are responsible for forming their own teams based on common interests and/or complementary skills. Through the semester, teams will prepare multiple project presentations and written reports.
Exam: A single in-class exam takes place about three-quarters of the way through the semester.