Dr. Yu Seung Kim
CMU ECE PhD Graduate
Product Security Engineer, Intuitive
Dr. Yu Seung Kim received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University; his dissertation title is Securing Wi-Fi Access By Using Location-Aware Controls. He is now an Automotive Cybersecurity Research Engineer at the Ford Research and Innovation Center in Palo Alto, CA. His research interest is in the analysis of possible threats in wireless network and the design of novel countermeasures. His PhD work is related to cross-layer jamming attack and security in wireless mesh network. He received BS and MS degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from Korea University as a member of the Computer and Communication Security Lab. His master's thesis was titled Carving Secure Wi-Fi Zones with Defensive Jamming. He also has worked as a senior system software engineer in Telecommunication Network Business, Samsung Electronics.

Journal Publications
Conference/Workshop Publications
- Yu Seung Kim, Yuan Tian, Le T. Nguyen, and Patrick Tague, "LAPWiN: Location-Aided Probing for Protecting User Privacy in Wi-Fi Networks", IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Oct 2014. [pdf,bib]
- Yu Seung Kim, Bruce DeBruhl, and Patrick Tague, "JADE: Jamming-Averse Routing on Cognitive Radio Mesh Networks", IEEE CNS Workshop on Cognitive Radio and Electromagnetic Spectrum Security (CRESS), Oct 2014. [pdf,bib]
- Le T. Nguyen, Yu Seung Kim, Patrick Tague, and Joy Zhang, "IdentityLink: User-Device Linking through Visual and RF-Signal Cues", ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Sep 2014. [pdf,bib]
- Yu Seung Kim and Patrick Tague, "Proximity-Based Wireless Access Control through Considerate Jamming", ACM Mobicom Workshop on Security and Privacy Aspects of Mobile Environments (SPME), Sep 2014. [pdf,bib]
- Yu Seung Kim, Bruce DeBruhl, and Patrick Tague, "MeshJam: Intelligent Jamming Attack and Defense in IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks", 10th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Oct 2013. [pdf,bib]
- Arjun Athreya, Xiao Wang, Yu Seung Kim, Yuan Tian, and Patrick Tague, "Resistance is Not Futile: Detecting DDoS Attacks without Packet Inspection", International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA), Aug 2013. [pdf,bib]
- Le T. Nguyen, Yuan Tian, Sungho Cho, Wookjong Kwak, Sanjay Parab, Yu Seung Kim, Patrick Tague, and Joy Zhang, "UnLocIn: Unauthorized Location Inference on Smartphones without Being Caught", International Conference on Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems (PRISMS), Jun 2013. [pdf,bib]
- Yu Seung Kim, Bruce DeBruhl, and Patrick Tague, "Stochastic Optimization of Flow-Jamming Attacks in Multichannel Wireless Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun 2013. [pdf,bib]
- Bruce DeBruhl, Yu Seung Kim, Zachary Weinberg, and Patrick Tague, "STIR-ing the Wireless Medium with Self-Tuned, Inference-Based, Real-Time Jamming", 9th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Oct 2012. [pdf,bib]
- Yu Seung Kim, Frank Mokaya, Eric Chen, and Patrick Tague, "All Your Jammers Belong to Us - Localization of Wireless Sensors Under Jamming Attack", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun 2012. [pdf,bib]
- Yu Seung Kim, Patrick Tague, Heejo Lee, and Hyogon Kim, "Carving Secure Wi-Fi Zones with Defensive Jamming", 7th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer, and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), May 2012. [pdf,bib]
- Yu Seung Kim and Heejo Lee, "On Classifying and Evaluating the Effect of Jamming Attacks", 24th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), Jan 2010. [bib]
Posters/Demos in Conference Proceedings
- Yu Seung Kim and Patrick Tague, "Wireless Mesh Network Simulator for Studying Cross-Layer Jamming Effects", 10th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Oct 2013. (demo) [pdf,bib]
- Bruce DeBruhl, Yu Seung Kim, and Patrick Tague, "A Toolbox to Explore the Interaction of Adaptive Jamming and Anti-Jamming", 31st IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Mar 2012. (demo) [pdf,bib]
- Yu Seung Kim and Patrick Tague, "Jamming-resistant Distributed Path Selection on Wireless Mesh Networks", 31st IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Mar 2012. (demo) [pdf,bib]